立博中文版学生大学, 教师, 和俾斯麦神父为服务不足的秘鲁人提供人道主义服务


“My one word for this trip is ‘breathtaking’ in both the beauty and the hardships seen in this country.” 


俾斯麦, ND -两年多过去了,在Ayaviri获得的基本医疗保健有限, 秘鲁, 一个大约有23人的小镇,000 people in the southern region of the country and high up in the Andes Mountains. 2020年初, the COVID pandemic and subsequent lockdowns brought tremendous hardship to those in need of medical services in 秘鲁. 2021年8月, University of Mary was asked by the 天主教 Territorial Prelature (diocese) of Ayaviri if they could return to the town in May of 2022 to help reopen their rehab clinic. 这就是博士. Paula Kitzenberg, University of Mary’s Department of Occupational Therapy program director at the Billings, MT, 校园, 他接受了挑战,并开始为为期11天的任务之旅制定计划.  

秘鲁服务宣教团包括28名学生, 五个老师, and a priest (Father Mark Aune) — who is also a licensed physical therapist — providing interdisciplinary and pastoral care to approximately 100 area residents.  

“我相信我们是最早回到这个国家的任务小组之一, 也是立博中文版赴秘鲁规模最大的旅游团,Kitzenberg解释道, 她在立博中文版时曾三次去秘鲁传教. “大多数病人说克丘亚语,这是该地区的母语. 我们带来了西班牙语翻译. So, we had individuals who translated Quechua to Spanish and our translators translated Spanish to English. 这可能会让人困惑. 我们最终学会了手势. Overall, the rehab clinic was a beautiful example of interdisciplinary care and teamwork.” 

The missionaries consisted of University of Mary faculty representatives and students in various fields of study: 职业治疗 (OT), 护理, 物理治疗, 呼吸治疗(RT)和医学预科, 运动科学, 社会工作, 职前治疗, 和工程. They were divided into three teams to take care of patients and provide specific skill sets for various needs.  

“I was afraid that we would be seeing more medically fragile patients who were acutely ill,Kitzenberg补充道. 但事实并非如此. 我们只需要把两三个病人转到当地医院. 然而,我们确实看到的是患有多种医学复杂性的患者. 他们已经有两年多没有去看医生了, 所以他们有几个医疗投诉: 背痛, 皮肤感染, 可怜的流动性, 等. Each patient required more time and a more diverse healthcare team to address all their needs. The clinic was organized so that each patient was seen by the doctor and or nurses to do medical triage. 在那之后, 康复小组提供了基本的肌肉骨骼评估, 功能评估, 根据病人的需要和年龄进行发育评估. The rehab team was composed of occupational and/or physical therapy students who were supervised by faculty. 他们在诊所和十几次或更多的家访中运用了他们的技能. 旅行前, 18 different handouts were developed and translated by the clinic so that home programs could be provided to the patients and to the Prelature. This facilitated the patient’s ability to return to the rehab clinic throughout the year to continue their rehab exercise program.” 

This was the first time OT 和工程 students joined the mission trip to 秘鲁. 事实证明,他们的技能既是必要的,也是有益的. 结果是, 充满激情的, 有爱心的, 熟练的学生和教师在短时间内完成了很多工作. 


“The engineering and service activities were coordinated with the Salesian Sisters at the girls’ school, i.e. Casa Hogar Maria Auxiliadora. 应修女们的要求, the engineers built a chicken coop structure that would offer weather protection to their chickens. 他们用阿亚维里的物资建造了这个建筑, 一些原始的木工工具, 以及他们随身携带的一些工具. They also used pickaxes to repair huge ruts in the roads outside of the Sisters’ school. One of the engineering students also helped at the rehab clinic by repairing some of the exercise equipment and providing other support to the rehab team such as building and adapting canes and crutches. The team’s pediatrician also completed yearly health physicals for the girls at the school. The Sisters bless us by allowing many of the female members of the Mary team to stay at their school and use their space. 今年,姐妹们还为我们在阿亚维里做饭.” 

对所有的学生传教士来说,这是一次改变他们一生的旅行. Kitzenberg最后说, 我们流下了很多眼泪,” as one of the hardest parts was having to say goodbye after providing care and witnessing so much and knowing there is so much more help needed in the area.  

“My one word for this trip is ‘breathtaking’ in both the beauty and the hardships seen in this country. 马丘比丘很美. 看到这些人脸上的喜悦也很美. 在同样的意义上, 进入他们的家是非常困难的, 学校, or places of business and not see the hardships and struggles these people have to survive, 这也是惊人的. 这是一次难以置信的经历,雅娜·于岑比勒说, 俾斯麦大学主修社会工作的本科生. 

Kaelie舒马赫, 一个在俾斯麦大学攻读PT博士学位的研究生, 添加, “我喜欢这次旅行. 太有趣了, 我对这个国家了解了很多, 世界, 和我自己, 我还交了一些很好的终身朋友.” 

“This trip was an amazing opportunity to grow personally, academically, 和专业. 我强烈推荐给任何问我的人. 我很感激老师们为这次旅行所花费的时间和精力,贝琪·坎兹说, 俾斯麦的护理学院. 

Dr. 佩顿墙体, 最近刚从比林斯校区获得OT博士学位, 添加, “This service trip was the perfect culmination to my 教育 at the University of Mary. I was able to use my 教育 to serve a community of people and spread the love of God at the same time. 这次旅行是我做过的情感上最艰难的事情之一, 精神上, 和专业, but I will forever be a stronger occupational therapist and man of faith because of this amazing trip.”  

在Kitzenberg计划这次旅行的时候, she and the students received assistance from private citizens and various organizations in Billings in the form of monetary donations, 药物, 供应, 甚至还有能装下三个行李箱的衣服. 传教士利用了一切.    

“在我们最后一次聚餐时, 我和学生们分享了我对这次旅行的一些感想,Kitzenberg继续说道. “我说,让这次旅行改变你. 回家吧,对你所过的生活心怀感激. 对大事要心存感激, 比如接受教育的机会, 小事情, 就像温暖的淋浴.  还有,回家时要做一个更有耐心的人. 接受生活中每时每刻都会出现的停顿. 最后,带着更快乐的心情回家. 秘鲁人真的很快乐,尽管他们很穷. 用美国人的话来说,他们没有什么值得高兴的,但他们确实如此. Let their joy be contagious and take it home with you to share with your corner of the 世界.”   

There is no doubt in Kitzenberg’s mind that the 秘鲁 服务 任务 Trip was a huge success and will continue for years to come so University of Mary students and faculty can provide more interdisciplinary care and humanitarian support to 秘鲁vians while receiving hands on skills, 变革的经验, 和永生难忘的回忆.  

任何想了解更多关于传教旅行的人, 全球研究, 健康科学, 工程可以做到这一点 ovp.rnrbuilders.com,联系招生代表 enroll@rnrbuilders.com,或致电 (701) 355-8030. The University of Mary is one of only 15 Recommended Cardinal Newman Society Residential Colleges and Universities in the US. 

关于立博中文版: True to its motto “lumen vitae” — The Light of Life — the University of Mary offers 教育 for the whole of life through cutting-edge professional programs and graduate programs animated by moral courage and leadership in chosen professions and service to the community. 一个私人, 天主教男女同校机构, 立博中文版欢迎各种信仰和背景的学生. 

一个基督徒, 天主教, Benedictine institution founded in 1959 by the Benedictine Sisters of Annunciation Monastery, 立博中文版提供近60个学士学位, 15个硕士, 还有五个工商管理博士学位, 教育, 护理实践, 职业治疗, 还有物理治疗. The 19-sport Athletic Department adheres to its Greatness Through Virtue mission under the governance of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) and American Collegiate Hockey Association (ACHA) conferences. 有3个以上,800名学生, 立博中文版在北达科他州设有办事处, 蒙大拿, 亚利桑那州, 和罗马, 意大利, 以及充满活力的在线服务.