World-Renowned Artists and Music 校友 Celebrate 50th 爵士音乐节 at Mary


Public invited to concert Saturday, January 28, tickets available 在线 或亲自到埃克罗斯音乐公司

俾斯麦,和 在50年的存在中, the annual University of Mary 爵士音乐节 has built a name for itself as one of the premier music events in the country. Its rise to acclaim not only comes from the allure of numerous internationally renowned guest artists performing and adjudicating every year, but also the world-class music faculty who’ve instructed award-winning students at the highest level to go on to lead successful and fulfilling lives in the music industry and teaching profession.

Ernie Borr ushered in the first era of jazz on campus in 1974, while Scott Prebys became the longest tenured director from 1978 until 2009, and now University of Mary alum Brian Lydeen (’94) continues the long tradition of excellence as the eighth director of Jazz Studies in charge of the festival. 

My love affair with the University of Mary 爵士音乐节 started back in the mid 1980’s as a junior high school student from 曼丹,ND,莱丁回忆道. “我以参与者的身份体验了这个节日, college student at Mary performing and working the festival, 校友, 评判员, 现在是音乐节的经理. Coming full circle with my involvement allows me a unique perspective on this event. One of the highlights has been getting to hear and perform alongside some of the finest jazz musicians in the world. But, in addition to that, it’s always been about the friendships and relationships with the people. It’s the special sense of community and bond it brings to the music department, 大学, and the Bismarck-Mandan area that lasts long after the music has silenced.”

Lydeen and the University of Mary invite the public to the two-hour jazz concert Saturday, 1月28日晚7:30.m.在俾斯麦的贝尔·梅赫斯礼堂(Belle Mehus Auditorium). Tickets are $20 for adults and $15 for students and senior citizens and can be purchased 在线 or in person at the Belle or Eckroth Music in Bismarck.

在爵士音乐节的50年里, University of Mary ensembles and Vocal Jazz have shared the stage with dozens of world-class artists, 包括Tom " 骨头 " Malone和Bob Kase, 谁会同时第三次出场, along with over 20 former University of Mary graduates from decades past that make up the 校友 Jazz Ensemble. Malone is best known for his work with the Blues Brothers, 大卫·莱特曼秀, 和《立博中文版》. While Kase has performed with international recording stars Sonny and Cher, 弗兰克·西纳特拉, 小萨米·戴维斯., and many more including accompanying the University of 立博中文版爵士乐团 to Montreux, 瑞士, 90年代在著名的爵士音乐节上表演. For a full list of featured guest artists and short bios, visit the 2023爵士音乐节网站.    

“The jazz festival is a large part of why so many of us alums of have taken our experiences from the University of Mary and passed them on to our students in music education and as performers across the region and around the country,Lydeen补充道。. “Current students who get to see their teachers performing together is inspirational and a testament to the impact this festival has had on all of us over the past 50 years. 和, the 校友 Band getting the opportunity to relive some ‘glory’ of the festival and perform alongside the guest artists is a special aspect of this concert. The value of the musical education benefits and camaraderie this event provides are immeasurable. It speaks volumes of the 大学’s commitment to support this special event for a half century.” 

The University of Mary 爵士音乐节 is a two-day event and one of the largest in the region that also includes nearly 50 high school instrumental and vocal jazz groups participating in music adjudication on Mary’s campus. Approximately 800 high school students from Bismarck-Mandan and across North Dakota vie for awards and scholarships as they are judged on their individual and ensemble performances and receive 30-minute master classes by these world-renowned guest artists.

Anyone who wishes to learn more about any undergraduate or graduate programs can do so at, or 在线, respectively, or by contacting an admissions representative at,或致电(701)355-8030. The University of Mary is one of only 15 Recommended Cardinal Newman Society Residential Colleges and Universities in the US.

关于立博中文版: True to its motto “lumen vitae”—The Light of Life—the University of Mary offers education for the whole of life through cutting-edge professional programs and graduate programs animated by moral courage and leadership in chosen professions and service to the community. 一个私人, 天主教男女同校机构, the University of Mary welcomes students of all faiths and backgrounds.

一个基督徒, 天主教, Benedictine institution founded in 1959 by the Benedictine Sisters of Annunciation Monastery, 立博中文版提供近60个学士学位, 15个硕士, 5个工商管理博士学位授权点, 教育, 护理实践, 职业治疗和物理治疗. The 19-sport Athletic Department adheres to its Greatness Through Virtue mission under the governance of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) and American Collegiate Hockey Association (ACHA) conferences. 有3个以上,800名学生, 立博中文版在北达科他州设有办事处, 蒙大拿, 亚利桑那州, 罗马, 意大利, 以及充满活力的在线服务. 欲了解更多信息,请访问


帕特里克·利顿                俾斯麦,ND

现任女友Rennich              俾斯麦,ND

海蒂Muellenbach      电晕,SD

米娅Tena                       俾斯麦,ND

梅根·施耐德         比林斯,太

莉莲Effertz                  Velva, ND

肯尼迪,科沃特              休斯顿,德克萨斯州

布雷迪塞勒                     俾斯麦,ND

基拉DeMaris                    睡眼,明尼苏达州

斯蒂芬·托尔伯特                伊利诺伊州卡罗尔·斯特朗

亚当•安德森              纳什维尔,

卢卡斯Schloesser            曼丹,ND

哈里森·沃克             太米苏拉

洛根五胞胎                      威尔顿,ND

卢克·利希滕贝格           水牛、锰

Deante克尔                      俾斯麦,ND

马修Mendiola        Dassel、锰

艾丹Koop                     哈姆湖,明尼苏达州

艾丹Kittilstved            斯波坎,佤邦                    

尼克Amoranto               海滨,

埃德蒙Peliska            俾斯麦ND


艾玛·内格尔                  俾斯麦,ND

麦迪逊马库斯             俾斯麦,ND

莎拉Pankratz说道               比林斯,太

加布里埃尔谢弗            独立、锰

亚历克西斯·马赫                 曼丹,ND

阅读卡埃尔DeAnte                  俾斯麦,ND

布雷迪塞勒                  俾斯麦,ND

扎卡里·特纳               俾斯麦,ND

诺亚费迪格                   俾斯麦,ND


Brian Lydeen(1994年),导演

丹尼尔·阿布勒(' 14),行政助理


特里·佩弗(Terry Peffer, 1994届),高中毕业生       新布莱顿,明尼苏达州

本·李(21届),2岁       翅膀,ND          

约翰·克鲁格(10年),男高音1      俾斯麦,ND

布伦登雅各布森(18),男高音2   罗彻斯特,纽约

克里斯·达索维克(Chris Dasovick, 2003年),巴里              俾斯麦,ND

玛妮·克拉夫特(90届),长笛              俾斯麦,ND


肖恩·博姆(91届)                   曼丹,ND

吉姆·麦克马洪(2002年)                   俾斯麦,ND

乔丹·博姆(2014年)                   迈诺特,ND

泰勒·阿布勒(Taylor Abler)(2013年)                   俾斯麦,ND

迈克尔·赫伯特(18届)                   俾斯麦,ND

布莱恩·赫伯特(1993年)                   俾斯麦,ND


乔恩·鲍曼(1995年)                   曼丹,ND

汤姆·莫滕森(18届)                   俾斯麦,ND

Gary Lauinger(95届)                   哈钦森、锰

尼克·莫滕森(21届),贝斯                   Edgeley, ND


Fr. 尼克·施耐德(03年)                   曼丹,ND

戴夫·奥古斯塔特(Dave Augustadt)                   俾斯麦,ND


迈克·兰格(07年)                   俾斯麦,ND

埃里克·雷丁(1993年)                   安克雷奇,正义与发展党

丹尼·普伦基特(20届)                   Clarkston,小姐


亚当·罗伯茨(1999年)                    俾斯麦,ND

鼓 & 打击乐器

布拉德·斯托克特(91届)                   俾斯麦,ND

马克·赫罗德(2002年)                   俾斯麦,ND

约翰·海因里希(2008年)                   俾斯麦,ND

乔什·克里斯蒂安森(1993届)            明尼阿波利斯、锰

罗布·佩斯克(2005年)                      俾斯麦,ND